Vegan Mole Cake

Everyone loves this classic! Especially since it’s made without animal products. Homemade with almond milk, bananas and vegetable whipped cream, the vegan mole cake is a hit.

Vegan Mole Cake

Ingredients for Vegan Mole Cake:

500 g spelt flour
1 packet baking powder
180 g sugar
2 packets vanilla sugar
50 g baking cocoa
1 pinch of salt
100 ml almond milk
150 ml neutral oil
250 ml mineral water (sparkling)
a little oil for the mould

400 g vegan whipped cream
60 g sugar
1 pinch vanilla extract
2 pck. Cream stiffener
100 g vegan dark chocolate chips
3 Bananas (approx. 300g)


For the dough, preheat the oven to 350°F top/bottom heat. Grease a springform pan (Ø 26 cm) with a little oil. Mix the spelt flour with the baking powder, sugar, vanilla sugar, baking cocoa and salt in a bowl.

Add the almond milk and oil to the dry ingredients and mix briefly. Then add the mineral water and mix just until the ingredients are all combined. Pour the batter into the springform pan and smooth it down. Bake the cake in the preheated oven for approx. 50-55 min. Allow the cake to cool completely, then remove from the tin.

Cut the top of the cooled cake about 1 cm from the edge all around. Then, using a tablespoon, scoop out the pastry inside the circle so that the base is the same height all over. Crumble the scooped out pieces of cake into coarse crumbs and place in a bowl.

For the filling, combine vegan whipped cream with sugar and vanilla extract in a bowl. Start whipping the cream with the mixer. After about 30 seconds, add the cream stiffener and beat until completely stiff. Fold the dark chocolate chips into the whipped cream and set the cream aside.

Peel the bananas and cut them in half lengthways. Cover the hollowed-out cake base with the banana halves all around until the whole base is covered. Then pour the cream on top of the bananas and spread it in a dome. If the cream is very soft, chill the cake for approx. 20 min. before continuing. Then spread the cake crumbs over the cream dome and press down lightly. Refrigerate the cake until serving. The cake makes approx. 12 pieces.

More Delicious Vegan Cake Recipes


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Vegan Mole Cake
Articles: 278

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