Triple Layer Chocolate Cake

A Triple Layer Chocolate Cake made of chocolate bases, chocolate ganache, chocolate icing and chocolate decoration. The chocolate is everywhere: in the pastry, in the cream, around it and on top. Very tasty, not too sweet and of course very chocolaty.

Triple Chocolate Layer Cake

Ingredients for Triple Layer Chocolate Cake:

For the chocolate dough (20cm* diameter springform tins):
200 g dark chocolate
140 ml milk
200 g butter, room temperature
200 g sugar
4 eggs, room temperature
140 g natural yoghurt, room temperature
260 g wheat flour
1.5 tsp baking soda
40 g cocoa
1 pinch of salt

Dark ganache:
200 g dark chocolate
300 g whipped cream

Milk ganache:
80 g milk chocolate
80 g whipped cream

White ganache:
100 g white chocolate
80 g whipped cream
For the drink:
100 ml amaretto liqueur
100 ml water

For the chocolate icing:
40 g whipped cream
40 g dark chocolate
12 g butter

For the decoration:
50 g berry mix


Prepare the dark chocolate ganache: Chop the chocolate and place in a bowl. Bring the cream to the boil, immediately remove from the heat and pour over the chopped chocolate, wait about 1 minute for the chocolate to soften, then stir well until the chocolate has melted. (If the mixture is not homogeneous, blend very briefly with a hand blender). Leave the mixture to cool at room temperature, then cover with cling film and place in the fridge for at least 4 hours, or better still overnight.

Prepare the whole milk ganache: Chop the chocolate and place in a bowl. Bring the cream to the boil, immediately remove from the heat and pour over the chopped chocolate, wait about 1 minute for the chocolate to soften, then stir well until the chocolate has melted. Leave the mixture to cool at room temperature, then cover with cling film and place in the fridge for at least 4 hours, or better still overnight.

Prepare the white ganache: Chop the chocolate and place in a bowl. Bring the cream to the boil, immediately remove from the heat and pour over the chopped chocolate, wait about 1 minute for the chocolate to soften, then stir well until the chocolate has melted. Leave the mixture to cool at room temperature, then cover with cling film and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or better overnight.

Place baking paper under the springform pan (20 cm diameter) and stretch the ring around it. Put it to one side.

Prepare the chocolate dough: Chop the chocolate. Bring the milk to the boil, immediately remove from the heat and add the chopped chocolate, wait about 1 minute, then stir with a whisk until everything has melted. Leave to cool.

In a bowl, mix the flour, baking soda and cocoa. Set aside.

Separate the eggs.

Beat the egg whites with 1 pinch of salt until stiff.

Cream the soft butter with the sugar. Gradually stir in the egg yolks. Then stir in the yoghurt and the liquid chocolate. Stir the flour mixture briefly into the dough in batches until everything has mixed. Then fold in the beaten egg whites in batches.

Divide the batter evenly into the springform pans and bake in the preheated oven for approx. 50 minutes at 350°F (top and bottom heat). (Test with a wooden skewer. The cake is ready when no remains of the dough stick to the wooden skewer).

Remove the cakes from the oven, leave them in the tin for about 10 minutes, then remove them from the springform tin with a knife, turn them out of the tin and leave them to cool on a cooling rack.

Cut the tops off both cakes with a knife. Divide the two cakes horizontally into two halves to obtain 3 layers.

Mix the ingredients for the drink.

Whip the white chocolate ganache briefly with a hand mixer on low/medium speed until it thickens.

Place a chocolate base on a cake plate and drizzle with 50 ml of the drink. Spread the white chocolate ganache on top, place the second chocolate base on top and drizzle with 50 ml of the drink.

Whip the whole milk ganache briefly with the hand mixer on low/medium speed until it thickens. Spread over the second chocolate base, place the third chocolate base on top and drizzle with 50 ml of the drink.

Briefly whip the plain ganache with the hand mixer on low/medium speed until it thickens. Spread ⅓ of the ganache on the third chocolate layer, place the fourth chocolate layer on top and drizzle with 50 ml of the drink. Spread the remaining plain ganache all around the cake.

Place the cake in the fridge.

Prepare the decoration: chop 50 g of dark chocolate and melt in a bain-marie. Spread the melted chocolate on a flat cold plate (preferably marble). Allow to dry a little, but not too hard. Scrape long shavings from the chocolate plate with a cheese spatula or a wide knife.

Prepare the chocolate icing: Chop the dark chocolate into small pieces and place in a small saucepan. Add the cream. Heat slowly on the lowest setting, stirring constantly, until the chocolate has dissolved. Set the saucepan aside and mix in the butter. If the icing is too runny, leave to cool slightly in a cold water bath, then spread over the top of the cake. (Start at the edge and let a little chocolate icing run down the sides at intervals, then cover the centre completely with icing as well).

Decorate the cake with fruit and store in the fridge.

More Delicious Chocolate Cake Recipes


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Triple Chocolate Layer Cake
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