Tips for Making a Perfect Sponge Cake

Tips for Making a Perfect Sponge Cake – I guess there is no one who doesn’t like to bake a cake… It’s actually very easy to make a nice sponge cake that doesn’t crack but swells at home. Moreover, it is very economical.

Of course, we have to pay attention to a few small details for this… As with those tricks..

5 tips for the best cakes

Tips for preparing perfect sponge cake at home

  • What if we say water is a must for sponge cake? I’m sure it sounded interesting, but while preparing the cake batter, the warm water used is of great importance in achieving the perfect result. After whisking the eggs and sugar thoroughly, we should add warm water according to our measurement and beat with a mixer at high setting for at least 5 minutes.
  • Cake batter should be prepared using only eggs, sugar, flour, water, vanilla and baking powder and optionally cocoa.
  • Milk and oil should not be used.
  • It should not be a thick dough.
  • After putting it in the mold, it should be completely deflated by shaking it a few times or hitting the counter.
  • It should be cooked slowly in an oven at 340 degrees.
  • It should not be cut before it cools down well.
  • If we consider these tips, we can easily make wonderful cakes and sponge cakes with the perfect consistency.

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Tips for Making a Perfect Sponge Cake
Articles: 278

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