Milk Cake Recipe

Moist sponge cake base that is soaked with a total of three types of milk: Milk Cake Recipe. A Central American milk cake known primarily in Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, and Mexico. Easy to bake, quick to make and incredibly delicious – in summer, for example, with fresh strawberries.

Milk Cake Recipe

Ingredients for Milk Cake Recipe

For the dough:
130 g flour
1,5 tsp. cream of tartar baking powder
5 eggs
1 pinch of salt
150 g sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
65 g whole milk
Baking spray or some soft butter for the baking pan

Three-milk mixture for soaking:
150 g condensed milk 8% fat (regular canned milk)
200 g sweetened condensed milk (1/2 can)
50 g whole milk

For the topping:
200 g cream
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
fresh strawberries and mint leaves for serving, to taste


Preheat the oven to 340 °F top and bottom heat. Grease a baking pan measuring about 23 x 33 cm.

Mix flour with baking powder.

Separate the eggs. Whip the egg whites with 1 pinch of salt until the first soft peaks form. Sift in 50 g of the sugar and continue beating the egg whites for about 1 minute. It should not be too firm and dry, but airy and light. Set aside.

Beat the egg yolks with the remaining 100 g of sugar for several minutes until thick and creamy. Add the vanilla and milk and stir in just briefly.

Add flour mixture to eggs and milk in mixing bowl and fold in gently but thoroughly with a pastry scraper only.

Gently fold in the soft beaten egg whites, also using the dough scraper.

Pour the fluffy batter into the baking pan and bake for about 35-40 minutes until golden brown. Allow to cool completely in the pan.

Briefly mix the condensed milk, sweetened condensed milk and whole milk in a jug or tall mixing bowl with a whisk.

Prick the cooled cake all over several times with a large fork. Slowly pour the milk mixture over it so that it runs into the pierced holes and soaks the cake all over. Let the cake rest for 30-60 minutes until the liquid is completely absorbed.

Whip cream with sugar and vanilla until stiff and spread evenly over cake. Decorate with strawberries and mint leaves as desired and serve.

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Milk Cake Recipe
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