Keto Coconut Cake

Attention coconut fans! Because this Keto Coconut Cake tastes exactly like the little white coconut sugar balls from Ferrero. The only difference is that this delicacy is completely keto-suitable with only 3.5g KH per piece!

Keto Coconut Cake

Ingredients for Keto Coconut Cake:

For the coconut-almond sponge cake:
4 eggs
pinch of salt
80g stevia-erythritol (sweetening power 1:1 like sugar)
5 sweetener tablets (sweetening power per tab like 6g sugar)
80g almond flour (not de-oiled!)
20g protein powder neutral
1/2 tsp xanthan gum (1g)
40g coconut flakes
1 tsp baking powder (3g)
1 tbsp neutral oil (rapeseed oil, coconut oil) or alternatively melted butter/ghee)
1 tbsp apple vinegar

To drizzle (optional):
10ml Malibu (rum-based coconut liqueur).

For the cream filling:
150ml whipped cream
250ml coconut milk
250g mascarpone
4 leaves gelatine
5 drops of unsweetened vanilla flavouring
90g stevia erythritol (sweetening power 1:1 like sugar)
5 sweetener tablets (sweetening power per tab like 6g sugar)
some ground vanilla

For sprinkling:
approx. 50g grated coconut
100g raspberries (optional)

Baking tin Ø18cm


Coconut-almond sponge cake:
Preheat the oven to 340°F top. Line the bottom of an 18 cm Ø springform pan with baking parchment.

Grind the stevia-erythritol and sweetener to a fine powder.

Mix the dry ingredients together well in a bowl and set aside.

Beat the eggs with the pinch of salt and the sweetener mix for at least 8 to 10 minutes until thick.

Pour in the oil and vinegar while continuing to mix.

Finally, whisk the dry mixture into the egg cream quickly but gently.

Pour the batter into the prepared springform pan (note that the pan will be filled relatively high, but the batter will not overflow during baking). Gently tap the tin against the worktop a few times and bake in the oven for 35 to 40 minutes (test with chopsticks!).

Remove the baked sponge from the oven, cool briefly and then turn out upside down onto a surface lined with baking paper. Leave to cool completely.

Cut the cooled sponge cake base in two horizontally. Now place the 3 cake layers side by side and (optionally!) drizzle with a little coconut liqueur.

Set the middle cake layer aside and crumble it finely (you will need it for the cream filling).

Cream filling:
Soak gelatine in plenty of cold water for at least 5 minutes.

Grind the stevia-erythritol, sweetener and vanilla into a fine powder.
Whip the cream until stiff and set aside.

Pour 100ml of the coconut milk into a saucepan and heat over a medium heat (for me that’s level 6 of 9) (be careful not to let it boil!).

Add the dripping wet gelatine to the hot coconut milk, turn off the heat and stir with a whisk to dissolve the gelatine. Then stir in the remaining coconut milk and remove the pan from the heat. Allow to cool briefly.

Now mix the mascarpone with the sweet mix and the vanilla flavouring until creamy, adding the (still warm) coconut milk.

Now mix the cake crumbs into the relatively liquid cream. Finally, gently fold in the whipped cream.

Chill the mixture for about 10 minutes so that the cream “sets” a little.

Now place one cake base back into the springform pan, line the edges with strips of baking paper (this makes it easier to remove later) and spread about two thirds of the cream on top.

Place the second base on top and press down lightly to form a straight edge. Spread the cream over the top (leave some cream to coat the sides).

Shock freeze the cake for about 15 minutes so that the filling stabilises and does not run out when you open the cake ring.

Remove the cake from the freezer, remove the ring from the springform pan (check that the cream inside remains stable, otherwise chill again for 10 minutes) and carefully peel off the strips of baking paper. Spread the sides of the cake with the remaining cream.

Important step: Lick any leftover cream out of the bowl.

Leave the cake to set in the fridge for at least 1 hour. Then the cream is firm enough to decorate the top and sides evenly with coconut flakes.

Finally, decorate with coconut chips and/or fresh raspberries (or strawberries, blackberries, etc.) and enjoy.


*A trick to get the coconut flakes onto the edges relatively easily: Sprinkle the palm of your hand with a generous amount of shredded coconut and then press it against the edge of the cake with a sideways tilting motion and light pressure, turning the cake ever so slightly with your other hand until all around is covered with shredded coconut.

This cake will keep in the fridge for three to four days without any problems.


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Keto Coconut Cake
Articles: 278

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