Category Birthday Cake Recipes

Looking for a special recipe for birthday cake recipe? You can find the world’s most popular birthday cake recipes here. It’s both easy and delicious.

1st birthday cake

1st Birthday Cake
What could be better than this pink dream in the form of a girl's birthday cake? For my little girl, who had her 1st birthday cake last week, it was definitely the perfect birthday cake. Pink, raspberries and lollies. She loves it all to bits.

Vegan Birthday Cake

Vegan Birthday Cake
Have you ever baked vegan? Sounds almost impossible, doesn't it? After all, "vegan" often sounds like bland tofu and strange substitute products. But that doesn't have to be the case! Today I have a recipe for a Vegan Birthday Cake that will convince even the biggest critics!

Dog Cake Recipe

Dog Cake Recipe
A birthday is a special day in everyone's life - and the birthday of our dearest four-legged companions is at least as special. So that you can please your pelt nose on the next anniversary, you can find for delicious Dog Cake Recipe.

Dog Birthday Cake

Dog Birthday Cake
Is it your dog's birthday? Then he might get a new toy as a present. To celebrate, you can also bake a delicious dog biscuit or a Dog Birthday Cake for him. It's not that difficult. Here are three recipes that your four-legged friend is guaranteed to enjoy.