Blood Orange Cake Recipe

If your cake world is upside down, it’s because of him! It looks good, has a soft, moist dough and goes well with your favourite citrus fruit – Blood Orange Cake Recipe is the sweet tooth of your dreams! No wonder you can’t keep your hands off it!

Blood Orange Cake Recipe

Ingredients for Blood Orange Cake Recipe:

4-5 blood oranges approx. 100g each
160g sugar

225 butter, soft
180g sugar
1 pinch of salt
4 eggs
225g hazelnuts, roasted and ground
115g semolina
4 blood oranges, juice and zest of each


Squeeze 2 oranges and bring the juice to the boil with the sugar for the syrup in a saucepan over a low heat. Slice 2 or 3 oranges as thinly as possible and simmer the slices gently in the syrup for 20 minutes to soften the peel. Then lift out the slices and drain. Collect the syrup.

Preheat the oven to 330°F. Line a 24 cm springform pan with baking paper and grease the bottom of the baking paper with butter. Spread the drained orange slices on the base and drizzle another 5-6 tbsp of syrup over them.

Beat the soft butter with the sugar and salt in a mixer for about 10 minutes until light and creamy. Add the ground hazelnuts and beat in the eggs one at a time. Turn off the mixer and fold the semolina, zest and juice into the butter-egg-nut cream with a spatula. Carefully spread the batter in small portions over the oranges and finish by smoothing the surface.

Bake at 330°F for about 80-90 minutes. It is best to place the dish on a tray in the oven, as the syrup may run out during baking. If the surface gets too dark, cover with baking paper.

Leave the cake to stand for 5 minutes after baking and then turn it out of the tin immediately. Brush with the remaining syrup and leave to cool completely.

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Blood Orange Cake Recipe
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