Apple Cake Recipe

Quick Apple Cake Recipe is an irresistible, delicious recipe and suitable when visitors arrive at short notice.

Apple Cake Recipe

What kind of apples are best for apple cake?

There are many types of apples that are suitable for use in apple cake. Some good options include Granny Smith, Braeburn, Honeycrip, and Jonathan apples. These apples are all fairly firm and hold their shape well when baked, which makes them ideal for use in cakes. They also have a good balance of sweetness and tartness, which helps to give apple cake its signature flavor. Other apples that may work well in apple cake include Golden Delicious, Rome, and Fujis. Ultimately, the best type of apple to use in apple cake will depend on personal preference and the specific recipe you are using.

Why is my apple cake dry?

There are several possible reasons why your apple cake might be dry. Here are a few possibilities to consider:

  1. Not enough moisture: Apple cake needs a sufficient amount of moisture to keep it from drying out. Make sure you are using a recipe that includes ingredients like eggs, oil, or butter, which help to add moisture to the cake. Additionally, be sure to use a sufficient amount of apples in the recipe, as they contribute moisture to the cake as well.
  2. Overbaking: If you bake your apple cake for too long, it can become dry. Be sure to set a timer and check the cake frequently as it bakes, using a toothpick or cake tester to determine when it is done.
  3. Insufficient leavening: Leavening agents, like baking powder and baking soda, help to give cakes their rise and lightness. If your cake is too dry, it may be because there was not enough leavening in the recipe.
  4. Using the wrong type of apples: Some types of apples are better suited for use in cakes than others. For example, apples that are too soft or too sweet may break down or caramelize during baking, leading to a dry cake. Be sure to use firm, tart apples in your apple cake for the best results.

By identifying and addressing these potential issues, you should be able to improve the texture and moisture content of your apple cake.

Why is my apple cake too moist?

  1. Too much moisture: If you are using a recipe that calls for a large amount of liquid ingredients, such as eggs, oil, or applesauce, this could cause your apple cake to be too moist.
  2. Underbaking: If you take your apple cake out of the oven before it is fully baked, it may be too moist in the center. Be sure to bake your apple cake until it is fully set and a toothpick or cake tester inserted into the center comes out clean.
  3. Using the wrong type of apples: Some types of apples are naturally moister than others, and this can affect the texture of your apple cake. For example, apples that are too soft or too sweet may break down or caramelize during baking, leading to a moist cake. Be sure to use firm, tart apples in your apple cake for the best results.
  4. Overmixing: If you mix your cake batter too much, it can cause the cake to become too moist. Be sure to follow the mixing instructions in your recipe carefully, and avoid overmixing the batter.
Apple Cake Recipe

Ingredients for Apple Cake Recipe

Our quick apple cake tastes simply wonderful and is ready within 40 minutes. Would you like a scoop of vanilla ice cream with it?

3 pcs apples
1 pk baking powder
3 pcs eggs
190 g flour
8 tbsp water
1 pinch of cinnamon, for sprinkling
1 lemon, grated zest
140 g sugar
1 pinch of sugar, for sprinkling


For the quick apple pie, first preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Then beat the egg whites in a bowl until stiff.

In another bowl, beat the egg yolks with the sugar until foamy. Add the water and lemon zest. Mix in the flour sifted with baking powder and carefully fold in the beaten egg whites.

Then peel the apples, remove the core and cut into wedges.

Pour the mixture into a greased springform pan. Spread the apple slices on the pastry and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.

Bake the cake in a preheated oven at 340 degrees (hot air) for about 40 minutes.

More Delicious Apple Cake Recipes


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Apple Cake Recipe
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