15 Tips to know for Cakes and Pastries

Making a cake, baking a cake or rolling out dough is much more labor-intensive than you might think. It may sound very easy to do, but when you enter the kitchen, you realize that the job is not so effortless at all.

You also love such sweet or savory cakes or pastries, but you may not be successful when you try to make them. If you are not careful, the cake you make may fall apart easily, the dough may not rise enough, or you may even bake a tasteless cake without salt.

In today’s article, we will be telling you the tricks you should know about cake and pastry.

  • First of all, if you want to do a good job, you must use fresh products. Regardless of the product you will use (flour, starch, baking powder, egg, etc.), be sure to check the expiration dates. Never use products that have expired or are close to their expiration date
  • If you do not want powder products such as flour and starch to be lumpy, do not forget to sieve. After sieving, you can mix powder products more easily and prevent them from becoming lumpy.
  • The water and milk you will use while making pastry should neither be too cold nor too hot. You should always use warm water and milk.
  • Everything should be at room temperature, except the frozen products that you will use in cakes or muffins.
  • Never use yeast with a very sharp and sour smell
  • If you wet the phyllo that you use to make pastry with milk, your pastry will be very delicious.
  • Those who do not like eggs can fry the top of the pastry with yogurt instead of eggs. You can mix a little yoghurt with a tablespoon of oil and apply it on the pastry. You won’t believe the result.
  • In order for the cake to rise well, you should whisk the margarine (or butter) and sugar well. The ingredients you use should still be at room temperature.
  • After squeezing the juice of fruits such as orange, grapefruit or lemon, chop the peels into small pieces and put them in the freezer. These small pieces will add a very nice flavor when making cakes and pastries.
  • If you want to make a vegetable pie but don’t want the filling to be too runny, sprinkle some flour on the filling. The flour will absorb the excess water from the vegetable. Vegetables will also not stick to the dough and will be tastier.
  • Before putting the yufka pastry in the oven, whisk an egg and a bottle of mineral soda well and brush it on the dough. The pastry will be much fluffier and softer.
  • After removing the baked cake from the oven, leave it on a wet cloth for 10-15 minutes and turn the mold upside down, you can easily remove the cake from the mold.
  • You can add some salt to the bottom of the mold so that the cake mold does not burn.
  • Take the cookies out of the oven immediately after they are baked. Because if the cookies cool on the tray, they will stick and fall apart.
  • If you want to prevent the fruit, fruit particles or candies you add into the cake from sinking to the bottom of the dough, you can add a small amount of corn flour to the dough.

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15 Tips to know for Cakes and Pastries

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